Let us pray, responding to the phrase,
“Jesus Christ, lover of all, bring healing, bring peace.”... Christ our Lord, long ago in Galilee many who were sick and suffering needed friends to bring them to your side. Confident of your goodness, we now bring to you those who need your healing touch. We name before you those who are ill in body: whose illness is long, or painful, or difficult to cure; who suffer restless days and sleepless nights. (names of particular individuals may be said aloud) “Jesus Christ, lover of all, bring healing, bring peace.” We name before you those who are troubled in mind, distressed by the past, or dreading the future; those who are trapped and cast down by fear. (names of particular individuals may be said aloud) “Jesus Christ, lover of all, bring healing, bring peace.” We name before you those for whom light has been turned to darkness: by the death of a loved one; the breaking of a friendship; the fading of hope. (names of particular individuals may be said aloud) “Jesus Christ, lover of all, bring healing, bring peace.” |
We pray for "Peace with in his life" for all members of our families. We pray in silence as we name before you
those whose names we may not say aloud.... silence “Jesus Christ, lover of all, bring healing, bring peace.” We ask your blessing on doctors and nurses; on all who look after those who are ill, who give friendship to those who are distressed, or sit with those who are near to death. “Jesus Christ, lover of all, bring healing, bring peace.” We ask your guidance for those who are engaged in medical research, that they may persevere with vision and energy; and for those who administer the agencies of health and welfare, that they may have wisdom and compassion. “Jesus Christ, lover of all, bring healing, bring peace.” Loving God, the care of every soul is in your hands, the cure of every sickness comes from you. We do not know your will for us. If by our lives your grace may be made known, then in us, through us, and even in spite of us, your kingdom come, your will be done. Amen. |