Click on "here" for Gifts With A Vision and it will take you to their United Church home.
Rosetown United Church (RUC) has joined a network originating with St. Martin’s United Church in Saskatoon. The service will be livestreamed every Sunday beginning at 10:30 am and the link will be active at 10:00 am. To join the service Sunday January 12, 2025 from home the link is:
**Please note that the church office hours are 9 am to 2:30 pm Tuesday to Friday. The office will be closed Mondays.**
We have a Mom’s Group again! It is held every Tuesday and Friday from 10 to 11:30 am to 3 pm in the youth room downstairs. Everyone with children under school age is welcome to attend. At times it will be just for socializing but there will also be speakers and activities organized.
Caregiver Support Group - CMHA Rosetown It can be incredibly daunting to support a loved one with dementia or a related illness, even if they are in a care facility. Connect with community members who are going through the same journey. Call Carmen at (306) 882-1232 to register.
Our Pastoral Care Committee reminds everyone that they are active and can be contacted through Edna at 306 831-7466. Reach out for yourself, a relative or a friend, anyone in need of a cheerful voice and a caring ear.
Supporting This Ministry: If anyone is interested in setting up a pre-authorized debit for their offering just call our church office, 306 882-2442; you can leave a message if there is no answer. If you are more comfortable with cheques just mail your offering to the church at: Rosetown United Church PO Box 506, Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 You can also send postdated cheques if you like or make an e-transfer from your bank. Our newest method for donating uses the Canada Helps organization, this is the blue Donate to Rosetown UC button shown on this webpage: You can also easily donate on-line through Once you are in the site just enter Rosetown United Church in the search box and a donation form will pop up. Please consider these alternate methods for your donations.
Rosetown United Church is responsible each month to present a service at our local care homes. We are looking for volunteers to help with these services. The Worship Committee, on our own is a very small group, any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Barb Slocombe at 306 831-6060.
Our Church Space As well as our own church groups meeting there are Dance and Music lessons happening in the church and other renters like AA.
Our Church doors will be locked at all times for safety reasons. Please ring the door bell (press very hard on the button) or call 306 882-2442 to have someone come to assist you. We apologize fortheinconvenience.
Volunteers Please Please consider volunteering to be on a committee or offer to help with one of the many jobs needed to keep our church running smoothly. Many hands make light work!!!
Tuesdays - 1:15 pm Circle of Compassionate Friends - Grief Support Group - everyone is welcome to attend (upstairs 1st office)
Council meetings Five times a Year - 7 pm (downstairs boardroom) 4th Wednesday of Jan, Mar, May, Sep and Nov next meeting will be November 27, 2024 at 7 pm.
Annual Meeting: Is always the last Sunday in February
Monthly Committee Meetings (may change as needed)
Finance – 2nd Thursday at noon Pastoral Care – 1st Thursday at 10:00 am Property – 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 pm UCW – 1st Friday at 2:00 pm Worship – 2nd Tuesday at 9:30 am months of Jan, Mar, May, Sep, & Nov