Mission Statement Food Bank Theological Colleges M&S Fund (United Church of Canada) Local & Global Outreach
Mission Statement Called by God, revealed in Jesus Christ, to love our neighbours we strive to become: An open and inviting community, welcoming and including everyone regardless of age or race, sect or sexual orientation, ability or disability. Especially all those who have often felt excluded or intimidated by the church.
A caring family of faith, challenging and supporting the spiritual development and ministry of children, youth and adults.
Seeking understanding on our life journey, opening ourselves to the Word and Spirit for transformations and renewal. Offering a loving service in our communities, our country and the world, working for justice, providing creative worship and faithfully proclaiming the Gospel for people living through difficult transitions.
Our Invitation: Discover what it can mean to be a Christian or rediscover your Christian roots. Explore new ways to a spirituality of wholeness and acceptance. Grow with others on the journey. (Adopted on Pentecost Sunday May 23, 1999)
Food Bank
We receive referrals and pass them on to the Rosetown Area Foodbank. If you know of someone who is in need or you are in need of food, please contact the Foodbank thru church at 306-882-2442. .
Theological Colleges
We support, as resources permit, the following theological colleges of the United Church of Canada: Atlantic School of Theology, Emmanuel College, St. Andrew's College (Saskatoon), St. Stephen's College (Alberta) and Vancouver School of Theology. Education has become very expensive and our students need our support.
M&S Fund (United Church of Canada)
The Mission and Service Fund (M&S Fund) is the main way our church reaches out to the rest of the world to help our neighbour in a time of need or crisis. Instead of the traditional missionary model, the United Church creates partnerships around the world with organizations that are already set up in the areas we feel the need to serve.
Hear is a story from our "Minute for Mission" program telling about one of many projects our M&S Fund supports....
Local Outreach
Rosetown United Church remains open to helping those in time of trouble. If you or someone you know or don't know is in need of: counseling or pastoral care, a safe place, or food, contact the church by phone at:306-882-2442.
Mission & Service Fund supports the following Saskatchewan ministries through Living Skies Regional Council: General Mission Support: Living Skies Mission Support Fund
Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry (RAPM)
Saskatoon Integrated Community Ministry (ICM)
UCC Camps & Outdoor Ministries
North Sask & South Sask Hospital Chaplaincies
Micah Mission
Parkland Restorative Justice
Ecumenical Chaplaincy at University of Saskatchewan
La Ronge United Church
Proposed….September 2021 Rosetown United Church: Mission & Ministry
Vision: Mission Statement
As a people of Rosetown United Church our mission and ministry is: to live and serve in the church and the world as we seek justice, act kindly and show love to “ALL”. (Micah 6.8) Goals (What we do.) We do this ministry and mission when: we gather in worship and learning circles (learning opportunities) to renew our strength, to nourish faith in God, Jesus and the Spirit and to go forward with confidence and vision; our services are in-person, recorded and live streamed.
We are good stewards of our building and space(s) providing space for community activities such as: dance school; piano lessons; yoga and walking groups; annual photography club shows; Harvest fall Festival; Santa'S Hut; Music Festival; meetings of businesses and social services; funerals; weddings; baptismal lunches; hosting Adult & Family Film Nights.
We use the donations of time, treasure and talent to support this mission and ministry through: people of faith in congregation and non-residents; pre-authorized remit; weekly offerings; garage sales, annual canvas, bequeaths; memorial contributions; tea and bake sales; occasional anniversary teas; Fall (Fowl) Suppers; Spring fling; BBQs; Committee Lunches.
We support a ministry and mission of outreach and outreach programs, such as: local food bank; local, Christian helper Fund; the Mission & Service fund UCC; in-person and on-line worship services to members and wider community; and respond to disaster assistance; and Community of Faiths in Living Skies Region (Youth Camps).
We support a ministry of pastoral care to: shut-ins and those in need; seniors and care facilities in our area; those suffering loss (funerals); Compassionate Friends; and offering services online for those who cannot attend in person.
Rosetown United Church endeavours to practice sustainable finances, but also, sustainable living practices by reducing our carbon footprint on God's Creation through updating our buildings and greening our energy use.
Practicing sustainable finances involves a change in use of our building(s) and spaces within them, to open them up to multi-use. Therefore, more space will be available for rent to the community. Reducing carbon foot print, reduces costs in the long run.
Reducing our carbon footprint involves: the replacement of windows with a better "R" value; insulating outside walls; changing electrical and lighting to be energy efficient (solar possible); efficient, management water (inside & outside); possible use of paving stones in staff parking to reduce gravel and sand clogging sewer system and allow water to seep into ground; use of new materials to reduce frequency of painting, staining, and general upkeep.